I have been trying to improve my health through nutrition and thinking of ways to include more healthy innovations in my diet. I loved baked Zucchini, so the idea of Zucchini noodles, or Zoodles, have always been intriguing. Here’s a quick video compilation of the photos if you don’t want to read the whole thing.
I know this is a second posting on food after the The Amazing Norwegian Open Faced Sandwich, and its related in a way. When I was in Norway, I saw this Gefu Spirelli Spiral Slicer in a shop and my mother-in-law offered to buy it for me as an early birthday present. Here’s the official video of it in action. There are a whole bunch of positive reviews of it on youtube.
Anyhow here are the pictures, they speak for themselves

And there you have it, a Zoodles dish that passed the Daughter test. She tried it and loved it.
Highly recommended.
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I intend to share more stuff that comes from my own parenting experience. Some would be quick snippets, (10 things my daughter says which crack me up), to more reflective insightful pieces, to sharing of experiences like this one (though probably not as long!) and hopefully not always mini-crises like this one. If you’d like to read them as they come out, please scroll down and sign up for the newsletter.
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